Human Rights Educators USA

HRE USA was founded in 2011 by leaders in the field of Human Rights Education (HRE), including seasoned educators, students, higher education faculty, members of non-profit organizations, representatives from both major national teacher unions, and other stakeholders. The network draws inspiration from the Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training,1 adopted by the UN General Assembly in December, 2011. The Declaration underscores the globally recognized importance of human rights in every person’s education.

To fulfill our mission, we shall maximize our efforts and support those of our members and partner organizations to:

  • Build a national movement for human rights education;
  • Advocate for the recognition of international human rights and humanitarian law and for a national commitment to educating individuals and communities about their principles and expectations;
  • Promote national and regional policies that support human rights education;
  • Integrate internationally recognized human rights standards, including those recognized by the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, into formal and non-formal educational settings;
  • Advocate for the inclusion of human rights education in national and state education standards, curricula, and pedagogy;
  • Promote the incorporation of human rights education into pre-service and in-service teacher training programs;
  • Develop and provide resources and training for educators;
  • Empower educators and learners to continuously embody human rights principles;
  • Participate in global networks and forums to share best human rights education practices;
  • Contribute to research and scholarship on human rights education.

Our 2022 Annual Report is available here.

To receive our newsletter or become a member, please click here.

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